33 Abbey Parade, Wimbledon, London SW19 1DG


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What is The Right Age for Braces?

12, Mar, 2016

Orthodontic treatment for adults, whether with braces or surgery, has never been more popular. Those of a certain generation whose teeth were once not the straightest, probably will have had or at least been offered, braces. Over the past twenty years, braces have become more commonly adopted. But for people born before this time? Shouldn’t they have the same option to achieve a great straight smile?

What is the Right Age to Have Orthodontic Treatment?

If you missed the boat on braces in your youth or you left off your retainer and did not keep up the aftercare designed to keep your teeth in place you may have ended up, as an adult, less than happy with your teeth. A lot of the adult patients who are seen by our dentists or by our orthodontists in Wimbledon, have come to us with reservations. Teeth alignment still conjures up some very negative images,

Things Have Changed

You’ll be happy to hear that the cosmetic dental industry has advanced a lot, in the range of treatments available and the appearance of the dental braces used.If you are thinking of seeing a cosmetic dentist in Wimbledon for non-surgical cosmetic dentistry (such as invisible braces), why not book a consultation with one of our cosmetic dentists or orthodontists.

First Things First

As a starting point you must have good oral hygiene before you start any orthodontic treatment, so we will tackle that first. Cosmetic orthodontic treatment for adults will usually not be subsidised by the NHS in the way it is for children and adolescents. At your visit, we will be will be able to explain the pricing of your chosen treatment in more detail.

A Lot of Choice

There are many different types of braces and treatments so it is quite likely that you can find a treatment to match your budget.You may have more serious dental problems. Dental issues are not only a cosmetic concern they can even affect eating or speech. Some dental issues will become more noticeable as time goes by. In these cases, you might consider orthodontic surgery. Visiting an orthodontist for a full consultation will mean that you can discuss your options and understand if you are a suitable candidate for this kind of surgery. Oral cosmetic procedures will often concentrate on the jaw rather than the teeth. If your teeth have a dramatic under or overbite or if they meet directly together - a situation that can cause them, over time, to grind down, you might be a good candidate for this kind of treatment.

An Expert Opinion

If you are interested in finding out more about this kind of surgery, book a consultation in order to discuss it further. Some of this type of surgery is quite invasive, but it is generally very safe and low-risk when performed by an expert. It might, however require an extended period or rest. This means that you might have to be off work for some time and it might be difficult to keep up with daily routines.  Speaking and eating will be difficult immediately and for a while, post-operatively. For people who are unhappy and self-conscious about the appearance of their jaw, or who are troubled by discomfort or physical problems, this will often be considered a small price to pay.

We will be happy to book you a consultation so that you can consider the possibility of orthodontic surgery, so contact us directly via email or phone. We will also be happy to advise you about the different option available if you are looking for braces or any other non-invasive cosmetic dental treatment.