33 Abbey Parade, Wimbledon, London SW19 1DG


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9, Mar, 2018

It is a fact that a healthy mouth is certainly a good sign of having a strong body. When you brush twice and floss daily, chances are you can stay away from the attack of bacteria and plaque inside your mouth. A dental checkup is important as it will help you to know if you are suffering from any health problem so that it can be treated on time. Check out four key factors your dentist will consider for an oral health examination.

  • Healthy gums – You gums should look pink and firm when you touch them. The teeth should be fixed properly and may not become loose. There should not be any pockets, flaps or places where gums are seen to be receding from your tooth. When you floss daily, you will be able to keep the hums strong and prevent places and pockets for bacteria to cause damage, bad breath and decay. Your dental practitioner will assess the X-rays carefully and detect the gums to check for the pockets. Thus, you will have healthy gums and strong teeth.
  • Strong teeth and oral healing – During the examination, your dentist will evaluate the condition of your teeth and also check the teeth that have restorations like fillings or teeth having crowns such as implants. Clenching (bruxism) or grinding is a common problem that may increase wear and tear on your teeth and dental restorations that include teeth having amalgam fillings. If you are having tooth decay, small cracks or other dental problems with the teeth, oral healing might not be seen easily with the eyes all the time. By performing thorough examination of your mouth and oral X-rays, the dentist will find out any issues before they may turn severe and are difficult to be treated. If the dentist finds a probable issue, he will explain what has been found and suggest necessary treatment options so that you have stronger teeth.
  • Tooth spacing and proper alignment of jaws – Your dentist will examine the condition of your teeth and how they will fit together inside the jaws and mouth, on the whole. If you are having properly aligned and straighter teeth, then it is quite easy to brush and floss which indicates you’ll have good breath and lesser places for gum disease or mouth cavities to develop. Crowding, also called “malocclusion,” may have an impact on digestion and chewing, and might be related to jaw disorders such as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ), bruxism (grinding or clenching), migraines, gum disease or other neurological signs and symptoms and overall shape of your face. 
  • Healthy Oral Tissues – Your dentist will conduct a dental health examination to know if you are having stronger teeth and healthy gums. Many health issues of the entire body show symptoms that may be visible in your mouth like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and thyroid problems.  The dentist will examine your mouth carefully that includes – cheeks, lips and tongue.  Healthy oral tissues are usually pink, moist and firm. You may find dental problems in the form of dry mouth like infections, swelling, tenderness or painful sores. If the dentist finds anything to be a matter of concern during the oral examination, he will discuss with you and recommend seeing another expert for a follow up.

A healthy smile is your real life asset that you should treasure forever. Oral health has a positive impact to improve your confidence level in both personal and professional relationships and is definitely the mirror of your body. You may visit a private dentist at Wimbledon Dental Practice if you are suffering from oral problems and get them treated from us to improve your overall appearance.