33 Abbey Parade, Wimbledon, London SW19 1DG


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2, Jan, 2018

Oral cavities are very common among children. If you think treating and fixing their milk teeth is unnecessary because they’ll fall out then you should thing again. According to an expert child dentist in Wimbledon, taking proper care of the teeth and gums must be taught to toddlers as soon as their first tooth erupts. Else, they'll suffer from oral health issues throughout their life time.
Therefore, as soon as you detect a tiny cavity in your little one's tooth book an appointment with a child oral healthcare specialist. These professionals are both qualified and experienced to fix cavities for children.

  • Fixing cavities in baby teeth: Considering the extent of the damage, the oral healthcare giver may drill out the cavity and then, fill or crown the gap accordingly. Preserving the baby tooth is crucial to ensure the permanent tooth comes out properly and at the right place.
  • Filling in tooth decay: Fillings for baby teeth are also made either from metal or white composite. Other filling or crown options like gold or ceramic are rarely used on children. The metal filling is cost-effective and you should go through your child's oral health insurance to make the better choice. After the filling is properly placed, make sure that your child takes sound care of his/her gums and teeth to avoid any complexity further. For more information on how to take care of your baby's oral health.
  • Recurring problem: Tooth decay may turn out to be a recurring problem for your kid. This is a common issue and you don't need to be panicky for this. In such cases, the dentist will replace the existing filling and refill the cavity along with taking care of the new decay. 
  • Fillings related to traumas: Tooth decay is not the only cause for which, kids need to have dental fillings. Even traumas that cause a crack in the tooth may summon a filling. Underdeveloped tooth, incorrect tooth shape and chipped teeth are the other common reasons for kids to undergo dental filling.
  • Tooth extraction may also be required: In extreme cases, when you make an appointment with a dentist in Wimbledon, he may even go for extracting the affected baby tooth of your little one. However, after the affected tooth is surgically taken out from the jaws, your kid may not have to wear a crown or any such thing to fill up the gap. The permanent tooth will come up on its own at the right time to fill in the missing slot on the jaws.

In short, these are what your little one may experience as far as his or her oral health treatments are concerned.